5 Free Resources If You Want to Start a Business
Are you thinking about maybe starting a business? I frequently get some questions about starting a business in Sweden, so I wanted to give you a brief overview of some resources you can use to start a company.
1. Nyföretagarcentrum
The process with Nyföretagarcentrum is very simple. You go to their site and then you book a meeting with them. In Uppsala where I live they are used to having people that are their clients that speak English. They don’t charge anything for the meetings and you can get advice on starting any type of business.
2. Incubators
There are incubators all over Sweden. There is a list of all the incubators, accelerators and science parks here. Locate the closest one to you and see what kind of offerings they have. Most incubators are offering some kind of program and coaching. One thing to mention is that the focus in this incubators is usually on scalable and innovative businesses. If you have a more traditional business that you are thinking about starting, I do think Nyföretagarcentrum is a better starting point.
3. Almi
This is a government bank. They have different offers depending on where you live. But some of the things they offer is a startup school. They also have coaching and mentorship programs (like this coaching for newcomers). Then the biggest part of their offer is grants (25 000 – 50 000 kr), loans of 200 000+ kr and equity investments through Almi Invest. I would recommend you look at their website and book a meeting.
4. Frilans Finans
If you want to start a company where you just want to sell your time to customers, you can use Frilans Finans. They basically do all administrative work regarding paying taxes. So, all you need to do is to tell them how much you want to invoice a company and you get the money left after all taxes are paid. See here for more info.
5. Arbetsförmedlingen
Okay, this one might be a bit random. But, they actually have two resources that you might be able to get. One of them is “start your business” courses in which you will learn about how to start a company in Sweden. Another resource is something called “starta eget bidrag”. This is a subsidy that you can get if you want to start a business. With this subsidy, you will get a sum every month so that you can survive when starting up your business. This last resource is tricky to get. You can ask your handläggare at Arbetsförmedlingen about these things.